Spring is popping all around us, but this month we’re focussing on celebrating and strengthening our roots. DJ Jason Urick of Galaxy My Dear took inspiration from our name to craft a diverse mix that just might move you to burn a bridge of your own. Follow our motto: believe in yourself, never settle, and just be simple.
Cover art by Andy Morris.
This is the 27th volume of our monthly Beats & Burn series, a collaboration with Portland's local, independent radio station XRAY.fm.
Playlist by DJ Jason Urick / Host of Galaxy My Dear
About the mix:
“The folks at Bridge & Burn didn't give me any rules per sae, in fact this mix was born out of self imposed rules that began when I decided to base the mix around the Maximum Joy song "Building Bridges". This song popped in my head while driving through a bleak part of West Texas while ruminating on what to do for the mix. After kicking around songs that may stylistically match for a bit, I started thinking more about songs with Bridge or Burn in the title. In the end though I felt the mix was an interesting journey that ought to be shared.
Maybe it's because I just got home from 12 days of traveling, and having DJed at the wonderful Marfa Myths festival which did such a great job of weaving different eras and styles of music together, but this makes sense to me... and I hope you enjoy the ride as well.”
More about Jason:
Catch Jason’s freeform radio show, Galaxy My Dear, on XRAY.fm Tuesdays from 6pm-8pm. You’ll hear synths from around the world, African rhythms, deep New Age dollar bin cut, krautrock faves, bent disco, modern electronic weirdness, Japanese new wave, and so on and so on.
Follow Galaxy My Dear on Mixcloud, Tumblr, and Twitter @galaxymydear.
Cover art by Andy Morris / andymorris.us
About the art:
"The playlist is pretty “free form" and found myself mostly gravitating to the more obscure tracks. I've found myself lately scouring "Egyptienne" Art Deco Floral Patterns from the late 1800s, but haven't really found a venue to use it in a design, so this was me taking a crack at that.”
More about Andy:
“I still consider myself an aspiring designer/image maker, although I have been working professionally as a Designer and Art Director for 13 years. I love all periods of graphic design, but typically tend to focus on aesthetics that fall somewhere between utility, minimalism with some nods to decoration. Early to Mid century Americana/Folk Art/British/German design are my biggest influences.
I currently freelance at an outdoor footwear company as a Designer/Art Director, but over the last few years have worked almost exclusively with small to medium sized breweries. I worked for Stumptown Coffee making fun stuff for them for several years before going out on my own. I would love to do more work for people making things, be it furniture, musical instruments, clothes, scents.”
Check out more of Andy’s work and follow along on Instagram @andymorrispdx.
Click to stream past Beats & Burn playlists on Mixcloud.