The Summertime hustle is real, and a solid soundtrack that reminds you to slow down, smell the flowers, and embrace the moment is non-negotiable this time of year. DJ Palm Dat is here to fill your ears with mellow electronic pop and dance songs that will serve as an excellent soundtrack for chill nights spent outside with your best pals and days off when you can put your to-do list aside to simply enjoy this season. Welcome to Summer, friends, don't let it slip away.
Cover art by Kate Blairstone.
This is the 29th volume of our monthly Beats & Burn series, a collaboration with Portland's local, independent radio station
Playlist by DJ Palm Dat / Co-Host of Intuitive Navigation
About the mix:
“There is a certain feel of music I like to listen to when riding the bus at night. In particular, music that matches the mood of the neon pink and blue lights of Trimet buses, brushing up against me decompressing from a work day. I like to think about what other folks are listening to in transit and sometimes imagine we are all listening to the same song.”
More about DJ Palm Dat:
DJ Palm Dat is local musician and photographer Akila Fields. He plays keys in the band Shy Girls, and makes his own shoegazing R&B projects as Palm Dat.
Every Saturday at 6pm he co-hosts Intuitive Navigation on with co-host Gina Altamura. They focus on New R&B and electronic pop, with the occasional astrology reading and weather report.
You can find Palm Dat on Twitter and Instagram @palmdat
Cover art by Kate Blairstone /
About the art:
"I use pattern and color the way a chef might use ingredients - I draw what's in season, and try for a good balance of surprise and nostalgia. Lilies are popping all over Portland right now, so to me they're the perfect illustration of June."
More about Kate:
"I'm a botanical illustrator that relies on lots of cultural references rather than scientific ones, so while I draw from direct observation, my work tends to have the flat, overtly colored look of printed textiles. I'm an avid gardener and cook, and love just about all kinds of art supplies.
Check out more of Kate's work and follow along on Instagram @kateblairstone
Click to stream past Beats & Burn playlists on Mixcloud.