What's in your suitcase? Bridge & Burn packing ideas for travel.

What's in your suitcase? Bridge & Burn packing ideas for travel.

Scroll through to see exactly what we packed up in this suitcase. Then see more of our best travel suggestions in our new Travel Collection on the website.

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(PICTURED: Komono Clement sunglasses, W&F Martin Belt, Kiriko Dopp Kit Natural, MIansai M24 Watch Navy, Grown Apothecary stuff, Baxter deodorant, Otterwax beard oil, Kiriko Ties, Yellow108 Hat, UNcrate Magazine, W&F Traveler Wallet, W&P Design host key, W&P Design Copper Flask, W&P Design Cocktail Kits, Fish hook key chain, Pendleton San Miguel Blanket, Polk Coffee, Flint Navy, Cambie Moss, Joseph Navy, Two Feet Ahead Socks.)
Carry-on Cocktail Kits