Beats & Burn: Volume 46

Beats & Burn Volume 46

Beats & Burn: Volume 46

About the Playlist

"During a summer unlike any other summer, music has really been helping me stay focused and positive. My dad retrofitted a cool vintage speaker with Bluetooth and I have it right by my work zone, pumping out tunes to help pass the long days inside. I'm excited to share a few faves of mine and Kristen's, and hope they bring peace and positivity to your summer days (or daze)."

- Chloë Miller
@chloeameliam |

Chloë Miller is a freelance creative marketer living, working, and riding her bicycle in Portland, OR.


About the Cover

“My favorite thing about Portland is the dichotomy of the city landscape and the natural environment; the fact that you could set up a hammock in a quiet spot among trees and still have a view of the illuminated skyline. That’s the inspiration for this piece — those long summer days and the nights that don’t seem to drop down past 75º — all witnessed from your own quiet spot overlooking the city.”

- Kristen Best
@kb.kb |

Kristen Best is an illustrator and graphic designer based in rainy Portland, OR. She’s done work for Katy Perry, Paul McCartney, and Google, among many others. Her illustration work strives to evoke warmth & nostalgia with a bit of mind-bending magic.

Check out the full playlist on our Spotify page here >